ALTERNATIVE MEDIA Common Dreams News Centre - links to breaking news and views "for the progressive community" Democracy Now - listener sponsored US radio station with an archive of past shows committed to bringing the voices of the marginalized to the airwaves PR Watch - Investigative reporting on the PR industry that identifies manipulative and misleading PR practices Truthout- Non profit independent news and major stories Vancouver Co-op Radio (102.7 CFRO) - independent, non-commerical, community radio station offers 94 shows in 12 languages CORPORATE ACTIVISIM Adbusters Media Foundation - global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs whose aim is to topple existing power structures Business & Human Rights Resource Centre - charity promoting greater awareness and informed discussion of important policy issues Commercialism in Schools Research Unit - conducts research, disseminates information, and facilitates dialogue between the education community, policy makers, and the public Corporate Watch - examines the oil industry, globalistion, genetic engineering, food, toxic chemicals, privatization to build up a picture of almost every type of corporate crime David C. Korten - site of the author of international best-seller, "When Corporations Rule the World" Multinational Monitor - tracks corporate activity, especially in the Third World, focusing on the export of hazardous substances, worker health and safety, labor union issues and the environment Program on Corporations, Law & Democracy - researches corporate, labor and legal histories, rethinks past organizing strategies and discusses democracy movements Public Citizen - US national non-profit public interest organization to protect health, safety & democracy EARTH & ENVIRONMENT BC Spaces - working to protect nature in British Columbia David Suzuki Foundation - Canadian environmental research and education organization Earth Changes - site about current and prophesied earth changes Earth Island Institute - Site for innovative action for the environment Greenpeace- Canada's site for non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems Sierra Club - committed to protecting environment, communities and future Vancouver Environmental Info Centre/SPEC - sites for VEIC and Society Promoting Environmental Conservation West Coast Environmental Law - for citizens to participate in policy & decision making Western Canada Wilderness Committee - works to preserve wilderness areas and conserve natural resources ENERGY HEALING Healing Touch Canada - Training organization for Healing Touch Practioners in Canada Healing Touch International - Umbrella organization for Healing Touch around the globe HEALTH & WELLNESS About Holistic Healing - holistic health directory offers alternative healing and integrative medicine information, and related articles, and many other net resources DrWeil.com - online resource for healthy living based on an integrative medicine philosophy Health Canada - lots of mainstream info with a searchable index Health World Online- resource directory for various health concerns and therapies Heart Centre Online - an online resource for cardiologists and their patients Journey of Hearts - healing site for those experiencing a loss Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute - scientific research on the side effects of vaccination Vaccine Choice Canada - information on vaccinations, informed choice, and informed choice violations as they happen in Canada and around the world Worst Pills - Drug information that can save your life KUNDALINI Realization.org - site about meditation, yoga, kundalini, enlightenment Shared Transformations - info and support for the process of spontaneous Kundalini awakening Spiritual Emergence Service - information and support for people experiencing psychospiritual difficulties: spiritual awakening and psychic opening, out-of-body experiences, kundalini awakening, near-death experiences, etc. LOCAL HEALERS, EVENTS & RESOURCES, LOWER MAINLAND, BC Interview With God - internet movie presentation Pathways to Peace - internet movie presentation We are One - internet photo essay in response to the 2004 earthquake and tsunami in East Africa and SE Asia What the Bleep Do We Know? - site of the film exploring quantum physics and spirituality NATIVE AMERICAN/FIRST NATIONS LINKS Native American Indian Resources - site for Art, Culture, Education, History, Science Native American Prayers and Blessings - prayers and blessings for many occasions and traditions Reconciliation Canada - engaging Canadians in dialogue and transformative experiences that revitalize the relationships among Indigenous peoples and all Canadians PEACE Ceasefire.ca - site to stop "Star Wars" - send an on-line fax letter to the Prime Minister Earth Future - 101 ways to stop war - practical actions to promote peace Jewish Voice for Peace - opposes anti-Jewish, anti-Muslim, and anti-Arab bigotry and oppression Move On - site for active peace solutions Project Ploughshares - an ecumenical peace centre of the Canadian Council of Churches Stop War Coalition - UK site dedicated to stopping war The World Peace Prayer Society - organization for world prayer for peace RESEARCH Association for the Study of Dreams Dr. Masuru Emoto - site of the researcher and author of several books about the effects of vibration (sound, prayer, images, words) on water Institute of Noetic Sciences - organization for research and education in consciousness and human potential International Association for Near Death Studies
SACRED SITESByRegion Network - directory of healers, artists Holitic Health Network - directory of practitioners offering alternative health services Om Place - spiritually-conscious organizations gathering together to create one resource Places of Peace & Power- beautiful photographs of sacred sites from Martin Gray Pyramids of Mexico - information and photos of Mexico's pyramids Sacred Sites - pictures of sacred places from around the globe SHAMANISM Foundation for Shamanic Studies - Dr. Michael Harner's research organization on "core shamanism" The Four Winds Society - Dr. Alberto Villoldo's site about Inka shamanism and healing Huna from Hawaii - site about shamanic traditions from Hawaii Shamanic Circles - dedicated to global shamanic community SOUND HEALING Healing Sounds - information about the healing power of sound & the Sound Healers Association Sanskrit Mantras & Spiritual Power - Thomas Ashley-Farrand's site